Acting since 1967, directing since 1991, David has appeared in many well loved television series and popular theatre productions in the past 50 years.
A graduate of RADA, comedy & farce are David’s forte. He has worked as both actor & director in New Zealand, the USA (Miami, New Jersey), the Far East (Singapore, Malaysia), Vienna … and Grimsby: but not exclusively.
He spent repertory seasons in Crewe (home town), Liverpool, Leatherhead, Edinburgh and Birmingham; and has performed in most touring theatres throughout the UK.
He was involved with the Webber-Douglas Academy (as play director, audition panel member, and showcase director), the GSA Conservatoire (play & showcase director), the NCDT/Drama UK (member of the Review Committee, drama course accreditor, and performance reviewer) and RADA (RADA Associate; current member of the Buddy Scheme). David has also worked as an acting coach/consultant to Tiger Aspect Productions.
Doctor Who: The Lost Stories
David returns to the worlds of Doctor Who in a new release from Big Finish entitled Power Play by Gary Hopkins. To listen to the t...
Out of Order Tour
The Ray Cooney penned farce, Out of Order, directed by David Warwick, who appeared in the original West End production, toured S...